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Current Resume
- Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, February 7-May 9, 2004
- Eastern Washington University, Cheney, Washington, February 19-March 15, 2004
- Barret Art Center, Poughkeepsie, New York, March 20-April 24, 2004
- Art Museum of Los Gatos, Los Gatos, California, March 25-May 1, 2004
- Pajaro Valley Gallery, Watsonville, California, May 14-July 11, 2004
- Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences, Loveladies, New Jersey, June 8-July 8, 2004
- Santa Cruz Art League, Santa Cruz, California, June 5-July 3, 2004 & November 4-26, 2007
- Museum of Fine Arts, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, August 23-September 26, 2004 (Catalog Available)
- ProArts, Oakland, California, July 21-August 29, 2004
- Santa Cruz Institute of Contemporary Art, Santa Cruz, California, August 6-September 26, 2004
- Center for Photographic Arts, Carmel, California, October2-December 3, 2004
- "Photographer's Forum Magazine", Best of Photography Annual 2004, November 2004
- Cabrillo Gallery, Aptos, California, November 5-December 10, 2004 & March 18-April 22, 2005 & August 29-September 23, 2005 & October 8-November 2, 2007
- Polaroid Corporation Artists Support Grant 2005
- Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, California, July 1-August 13, 2005 & September 10-November 5, 2007
- "The Sacramento Bee" Newspaper, Sacramento, California, Sunday, July 10, 2005
- Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, Lincoln, Nebraska, June 14-August 14, 2005, Traveling Exhibition (Catalog Available)
- "Lincoln Journal Star" Newspaper, Lincoln, Nebraska, June 26, 2005
- Monterey Museum of Art, Monterey, California, September 10-October 30, 2005
- Works Gallery, San Jose, California, Benefit Art Auction, November 22-December 3, 2005 & March 28-April 22, 2006
- "ZYZZYVA" Publication, San Francisco, California, Winter 2005
- University of Toledo, Center for the Visual Arts, Toledo, Ohio, January 13-February 10, 2006
- "ZOOM International" Magazine, Milan, Italy, January/February, 2006
- Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, Summit, New Jersey, February 17-March 29, 2006
- Scott Nichols Gallery, San Francisco, California, February 1-March 11, 2006
- George A. Spiva Center for the Arts, Joplin, Missouri, April 14-May 26, 2006 (Catalog Available)
- Palette Art Cafe Gallery Annex and PaletteArtCafe.Com, Healdsburg, California, November 2006-October 2009
- "Video Showcase", Cabrillo College, Aptos, California, August 11 & December 7, 2006
- Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas, April 14-May 20, 2007 (Catalog Available)
- Rawls Arts Museum, Courtland, Virginia, June 8-July 15, 2007
- Wayne Art Center, Wayne, Pennsylvania, June 8-July 27, 2007
- Kingston Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts, July 6-August 4, 2007
- Falkirk Cultural Center, San Rafael, California, September 7-December 29, 2007
- Alexandria Museum of Art, Alexandria, Louisiana, September 7-November 10, 2007 (Catalog Available)
- "Artweek" Magazine, San Jose, California, September 2007, Page 8
- 1212 Gallery, Richmond, Virginia, September 28-November 4, 2007
- "San Francisco Bay Guardian" Newspaper, San Francisco, California, October 10, 2007
- Slocumb Galleries, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee, January 28-February 15, 2008
- Benefit Auction, Triton Museum, Santa Clara, California, May 2, 2008
- Scott Nichols Gallery Online Summer Show: Photographs From The Gallery Collection, San Francisco, California, July 3-August 30, 2008
- Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin, July 22-September 12, 2008
- Benefit Auction, Yosemite Renaissance, Ansel Adams Gallery, Yosemite, California, August 25-28, 2008
- Benefit Auction, Phillips de Pury & Company, New York, New York, September 15, 2008
- Southeastern Contemporary Art Gallery, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, Louisiana, October 1-November 5, 2008 (Poster Available)
- Palm Beach Community College Gallery, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, October 7-December 1, 2008
- SF Camerawork Auction, San Francisco, California, November 6-December 6, 2008
- Scott Nichols Gallery, San Francisco, California, January 15-April 11, 2009
- Viewpoint Photographic Art Center Auction, Sacramento, California, April 10-May 2, 2009
- Benefit Auction, Triton Museum, Santa Clara, California, May 1, 2009
Ersatz, SF Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco, California, June 4-August 22, 2009
- Mina Dresden Gallery, San Francisco, California, June 20-July 18, 2009
- Andrews Art Museum, Andrews, North Carolina, September 2009
- The Andrews Journal, Andrews, North Carolina, Thursday, October 1, 2009, Page 3
- Benefit Auction, SF Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco, California, November 10-December 5, 2009 (Catalog Available)
California State University, Chico, January 11-February 26, 2010
- "Enterprise-Record/Mercury-Register" Newspaper, Chico, California, Saturday, January 23, 2010
- "ZYZZYVA" Publication, San Francisco, California, Spring 2010
- Fine Print Auction, Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, California, April 9-May 1, 2010
- DiscoverMagazine.Com "Museum-Worthy Garbage: The Art of Over-Consumption", April 27, 2010, On-Going
- The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, Colorado, July 2-24, 2010
- Amarillo Museum of Art, Amarillo, Texas, September 10-26, 2010
- Nominated to Recieve the Santa Cruz County Artist of the Year Award, November 23, 2010
- Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, California, 2011 Web Gallery, December 6, 2010-Ongoing
- Museum of Art and History, Santa Cruz, California, December 18, 2010-March 13, 2011
- "Santa Cruz Sentinel" Newspaper, January 6, 2011 "Trash Series"
- "Trash Series on YouTube"
- Viewpoint Photographic Art Center Fine Print Auction, Sacramento, California, April 6-May 7, 2011
- Benefit Auction, Triton Museum, Santa Clara, California, May 6, 2011
- Web Gallery, Lightbox Photographic Gallery, Oregon, June 11-July 6, 2011
- Scott Nichols Gallery, San Francisco, California, July 7-September 3, 2011
- Amarillo Museum of Art, Amarillo, Texas, August 5-14, 2011
- Houston Center for Photography, Houston, Texas, August 26, 2011 and On-line Exhibit, August 22-Ongoing
- Benefit Auction, SF Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco, California, November 3-December 3, 2011
- Amarillo Museum of Art, Amarillo, Texas, March 30-April 8, 2012
- Triton Museum of Art Auction, April 14-28, 2012
- Viewpoint Photographic Art Center Fine Print Auction, Sacramento, California, April 10-May 5, 2012
- Houston Center for Photography, Houston, Texas, June 29-July 1, 2012 and On-line Exhibit, June 11-Ongoing
- Scott Nichols Gallery, San Francisco, California, July 11-September 1, 2012
- Benefit Auction, SF Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco, California, November 7-November 30, 2012
- Scott Nichols Gallery, Twentieth Anniversary Exhibition, San Francisco, California, November 1-December 29, 2012
- Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Fine Print Auction, Sacramento, California, April 9-May 4, 2013 (Catalog Available)
- Triton Museum of Art Auction, Santa Clara, California, April 20-27, 2013
- Scott Nichols Gallery, The Summer Show, San Francisco, California, July 3 - August 31, 2013
- Benefit Auction, SF Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco, California, November 6 - December 6, 2013 (Catalog Available)
- Fine Print Auction, Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, California, April 9 - May 3, 2014 (Catalog Available)
- Pajaro Gallery, Watsonville, California, May 7 - June 22, 2014
- "Feature Shoot" Article, "Colored Food Series", April 7, 2014 - Ongoing
- Becca Barton Website, Accumulate, "Trash Series", Ongoing
- "National Public Radio's The Salt", "Colored Food Series", April 16, 2014 - Ongoing
- "Huffington Post's Taste Section", "Colored Food Series", April 16, 2014 - Ongoing
- "la" Online Newspaper, Rome, Italy, "Colored Food Series", Coming Soon
- "Focus Magazine", Milan, Italy, "Colored Food Series", Coming Soon
- "I-REF Magazine", Berlin, Germany, "Colored Food Series", April 15, 2014 - Ongoing
- "ABCNews.Com's Food Section", "Colored Food Series", April 17, 2014 - Ongoing
- "Creapills" from France, "Colored Food Series", April 23, 2014 - Ongoing
- "7x7 Magazine", San Francisco, California,"Yellow Ice Cream", July/August, 2014
- "Crave Magazine" Feature Photographer, Hong Kong, Coming Soon
- Scott Nichols Gallery, The Summer Show, San Francisco, California, May 27 - August 30, 2014
- "Black Clothing Website", 2014, Click Here
- "MedicalDaily.Com", "The Grapevine", "Colored Food Series", February 27, 2015 - Ongoing
- Fine Print Online Auction, Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, California, March 3 - April 18, 2015
- "", by Silvia Urikova, Slovakia, "Colored Food Series", March 11, 2015 - Ongoing
- Triton Museum of Art Auction, Santa Clara, California, April 25 - May 1, 2015
- Websites With Articles About "Colored Food Series"
- Cabrillo College Gallery, Aptos, California, April 18 - May 13, 2016
- Triton Museum of Art Auction, Santa Clara, California, May 2016
- "International Journal of Food Design", Volume 1, Number 2, October 1, 2016
- "Crave Magazine" Feature Photographer, Hong Kong, May 2016
- "Commitment to Vision", Photography at Oregon, Maude Kerns Art Center, Eugene, Oregon, May 20 - June 24, 2016 (Catalog Available)
- Triton Museum of Art Gala Auction, Santa Clara, California, April 27 - 29, 2017
- "The Polaroid Project: At the Intersection of Art and Technology", Thames and Hudson, London, June 2017
- Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, Texas, June 3 - September 3, 2017
- WestLicht Museum for Photography, Vienna, Austria, December 5, 2017 - March 4, 2018
- Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, March 16 - June 17, 2018
- C/O Berlin, Berlin, Germany, July 7 - September 23, 2018
- National Museum of Singapore, Singapore, November 1, 2018 - February 17, 2019
- Musee McCord, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 14 - September 15, 2019
- MIT Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts, late 2019, early 2020
- "Women of the West", Scott Nichols Gallery, San Francisco, California, September 6 - October 27, 2018
all images ©2014 by L Brown